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Axion Energy Solutions undertakes inspection and verification of ventilation systems in healthcare premises in accordance with HTM03 01.
Our lead surveyor is a Chartered Building Services Engineer with 35 years’ experience within the Building Services industry, including working as a Building Services Design Engineer and as a University Estates Engineer.
We are appropriately trained have completed both the Competent Person and Authorised Person HVAC Training courses at Eastwood Park.
In addition to this we have attended and passed the CTCB-I Cleanroom Testing & Certification training course and have been awarded Associate Certification in Cleanroom Testing. The course teaches the classification of cleanrooms which includes challenge testing of HEPA filters in accordance with ISO 14644..
In addition to the above he is also accredited to undertake mandatory TM44 air-conditioning inspections and therefore well placed to provide solutions to reduce energy consumption.
It is the responsibility of healthcare managers to ensure that inspection, service and maintenance activities are carried out safely, without hazard to staff, patients or members of the public. Only Competent Persons should maintain, validate or undertake periodic testing of healthcare ventilations systems, they should have sufficient training and experience.
The Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 03 01 relates to healthcare premises and it specifies that ventilation systems serving critical care areas (such as those servicing operating suites) should be inspected quarterly and their performance measured and verified annually.
Health Technical Memorandum 03-01 – ‘Specialised ventilation in healthcare premises’ is published in two parts: Part A deals with the design and installation of ventilation systems; Part B covers operational management.
The document gives comprehensive advice and guidance to healthcare management, design engineers, estates managers and operations managers on the legal requirements, design implications, maintenance and operation of specialised ventilation in all types of healthcare premises.
The guidance contained in HTM-03-01 applies to new installations and major refurbishments of existing installations.
Whilst all systems must be visually inspected each year and the results recorded, ‘critical’ systems (like those in operating theatres) should be checked quarterly and their performance measured and verified annually.
The memorandum is described by the Department of Health as ‘Best practice guidelines’ and ‘comprehensive advice and guidance’ but it is based on application of the existing legislation. So, whilst it may be termed ‘guidance’, it describes some mandatory requirements.
Want to go beyond compliance and save significant energy consumption? We can also undertake design reviews and TM44 air-conditioning inspections. See our other services.
See our blog post ‘Healthcare premises ventilation systems: Your responsibilities explained’ for more.