Different types of ESOS audit
In cases where there are a large number of very similar buildings e.g. 200 shops, it may be useful to consider the level of detail of the audits within the sample.
For example, you may want to undertake detailed audits of a small number of shops, and visit another few to carry out a higher level review.
The small audit sample size will minimise the level of effort required by the auditor and visiting additional shops will allow both the auditor and Lead Assessor (if different) to satisfy themselves that the similarity of the shops is sufficient to justify the sample size.
To assist organisations in the planning of their ESOS assessments, including how to select an appropriate sample size DECC (Dept. of Energy and Climate Change) have published a guidance document `Approaches to ESOS Audits’ which can be downloaded from:
In our next newsletter we will discuss integrating your audit plan with your business strategy.
ESOS Update:
The EA (Environment Agency) have published a revised version (V2.0) of its guide `Complying with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme’, this document can be downloaded from: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/comply-with-the-energy-savings-opportunity-scheme-esos