ESOS Updates
There have been some recent notifications from the Environment Agency (EA) concerning ESOS which we feel may be of interest to you.
Environmental Agency have reissued their ESOS notification letters
The Environmental Agency have reissued their ESOS notification to all organisations whom they believe may meet the minimum threshold for a mandatory ESOS assessment.
They appear to be a little concerned that only a small number (some commentators are suggesting that this may be as low as 20) of the estimated 10,000 companies who need to comply with ESOS have actually notified the EA through its web portal that they are compliant with ESOS.
There are 6 months left to for organisations to undertake their ESOS assessments and there are approx. 600 registered ESOS Lead Assessors.
The general industry consensus appears to be that as we are nearing the compliance date of the 5th of December 2015, more companies will begin to undertake their ESOS assessments and there will be a supply and demand issues with a possible lack of ESOS Lead Assessors. This may mean that a number of organisations may be unable to comply by the deadline.
Use of Display energy Certificates (DECS) as a route to compliance
Where an organisation wishes to use a DEC as a route to compliance and each property in the portfolio is covered by a DEC, then there will be no additional work required, such as Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) calculations. This route to compliance however WILL still require sign off by a Lead Assessor.
EA update ESOS Compliance guide
The EA have published an updated version of their guide `Comply with the ESOS Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)'. The updated guide can be downloaded from
EA have amended the online notification tool
The EA have amended the online notification tool to confirm with the organisation that a Lead Assessor has agreed that their ESOS audit is compliant. It has also been amended to confirm the reasons why the organisation disagrees with the Lead Assessor and believes that it is not compliant
DEFRA Emission factors
The latest version of DEFRA's `Government conversion factors for company reporting' (which are needed to back-calculate transport kWh consumptions from vehicle mileages and manufacturers' emission figures) has just been released and can be downloaded from
Useful information
The energy saving trust has just published a best practice guide ‘A guide to managing and reducing grey fleet mileage‘. The guide can be downloaded from,3FJE8,F0SDD6,CA24V,1.